Monday, September 8, 2008

Tyson Joshua Kinsel has arrived!!!

Daddy and Baby Ty

Finally home, sweet home

Daddy and Ty watching football together for the first time in the hospital

Daddy calls Ty "Champ"'s so cute! Josh is an amazing father, words can't even describe how great of a father he is!

At home under the watchful eye of Daddy!

Ty has lots of dark hair!

Right out of Mommy's belly!

First time Mommy gets to see her boy!

Mommy's little monkey...I love how he curls up on my chest!

The Kinsel family!!!

Sorry for the delay, but here he is! We named him Tyson Joshua Kinsel, but will call him Ty. He was born at 4:32 pm on Friday, September 5. He weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long. Mommy gave birth by C-section (very scary, but we made it) and is recovering well. Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, and support. The Lord has blessed us with a perfect little miracle, and we can't wait for eveyone to meet him!


Newmans Wildcats said...

Many CONGRATS!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! 1st born boys are soooooo great to have. They are loving and loyal to their mothers. You both have been sooo blessed!!!! I smell a future Wildcat!!! Love to all three of you!! And he is soooooooooooooo CUTE and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

Corrie- said...

CONGRATULATIONS! WOW, a boy! I voted wrong. You will both be such amazing parents, Ty is certainly blessed. Best wishes for lots of sleep in the coming weeks.

Unknown said...

I love him already!!!! He is SOOOOO cute. It made me laugh how he was all curled up on you :) I can't wait to meet him!!!

Robin said...

Awwww Congrats on your new son! He is absolutely adorable. I am so happy for you both. I can see it in both you and Josh's face how unbelievably happy you both are. Parenthood is fitting you both beautifully!

Heather said...

Congratulations!! Can't wait to get to see him! We haven't heard him downstairs yet, so he must be doing good!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lisa,

I am so happy for you! He is so adorable you take can and get well rested! You are truly blessed!