Monday, September 8, 2008

Bringing Baby Ty Home!

Josh getting Baby Ty ready to go home from the hospital!


Newmans Wildcats said...

Well, Baby Ty is WAY better getting his diapee changed then Screamin Summer!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! Can you imagine that all this time you have been lugging around your belly, he was in there??? That blows my mind. I still can't comprehend it. I just wanna take em out and hold em (well, mine at least, yours is already out! :)) He is a doll baby, and I LOVE your diaper bag. You guys must have just known because it seems like you were ready for a boy!!! :)

Tracy J. said...

Josh and Lisa,
He is absolutely beautiful. Praise God! I know you all will be great with baby Ty. You look like naturals. Come to Struble soon so we can love on him. We are all so excited for you.

God Bless,
Tracy J.

Alicia said...

He is gorgeous. Look at all the hair. Did you have a lot of heartburn. I did with Daulton and he look exactly like that. I think he favors Daulton alot when he was born. Daulton was born with black hair. He had it on his ears, neck and back. I called him my little monkey, but of course his hair color changed.. You all look so great. Love you all and miss you.. Hope to see you soon. Tell Mamaw and Papaw Kinsel hello for me.