Friday, March 27, 2009

Trip to the field!

I got to do something totally cool yesterday! Josh has been out in the field since last Sunday doing some training missions for class, and the Lieutenant Colonel's wife organized a field trip for some of the wives to go out and watch them train! So, I was able to go out and watch what my hubby kick some booty! It was so awesome to watch and hear them go in and clear buildings, and attack this city that has been set up to resemble what they will face when they actually deploy. They really make this city realistic, from the buildings, to the road blocks, to the music blaring, to the abandoned cars that they blow up. There are even animals like goats and chickens running around! It really gave me a new appreciation of what Josh is training for. They put the other wives and I on the top of a school building so we could get a good view of the action. Josh was the first group of soldiers in to invade this city, while other members of his class played the enemy and were trying defend the city. They used blank rounds for the weapons on the tanks, explosive devices, smoke, and paint ball guns for the simulation of the attack. The group did really well on their mission! Afterwards, the cadre let the wives shoot some of the weapons! I got to shoot the 240 Bravo, the 50 Cal, and the Saw. It was such a fun time! Josh continues to impress me with what he has and is accomplishing in the Army.

Here is a video of some of the action. Josh is in the second green building on the right, clearing it out.

Here is a video of me shooting the 50 Cal! I was having a hard time getting my thumbs to reach the trigger...they definitely didn't design this weapon for someone with little hands!

Josh's platoon after the mission was complete

Josh and I

In other news, Ty is getting his first tooth! The front, bottom left tooth is on it's way in! He is growing up so fast! He hasn't been too fussy about it yet, so that's good!


Robin said...

That sounds like tons of fun. I love the SAW it's by far my favorite weapon.

Yeah for Ty and his first tooth!

Heather said...

This is Zussman Training center, right? My cousin works here. He sets up all the pyro and controls it through the computer center at the top of the water tower. I got to go up with them a few times. One time I got to watch from the top of the water tower. We went out on the balcony with night vision goggles and I put them on and there was a black hawk right in front of my face with guys rappelling out of it. It shocked me that it was that close and I couldn't see it. We got to watch all the guys attack on the video cameras up there so we saw everything they did. It was SOOO cool!

Newmans Wildcats said...

WOW!!! Thats just WOW!!! That is so cool. I never knew that they had stuff set up like. It looked totally real! WOW!!!! I've never done anything like before! How cool! WOW!!!!!!

Lisa and Josh said...

Heather...yep, it was Zussman. It was totally awesome! I would have loved to see a Black Hawk with guys rapelling out of it! How cool!

Yes, Zussman is pretty awesome, and it was so cool to see them train like that! I am very grateful to the LT Col's wife for organizing it and allowing us to go out there! And to shoot those weapons...WOW! It was awesome!