Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where Oh Where Does The Time Go?

I can't believe it is March 4 already! Ty will be 6 months old tomorrow! 6 months...that's halfway to a year old already! Time really does fly...especially when you have kids, I'm learning! I took Ty to his 6 month well-baby appointment today, and he is growing just fine! He is 13 lbs., 8 oz. and 24 in. long. He has mastered his veggies and is onto fruits now. He STILL isn't sleeping through the night for us. :-( Ty's doctor said to try sleep training. She says to let him cry all night, checking on him every 15 min. Yikes! That means zero sleep for mommy and daddy because, believe me, Ty will scream his head off all night long! Supposedly the doctor says that after three nights of crying, he will be trained and will sleep through the night for us. The question is, are Josh and I strong enough to let him cry all night, and can we make it through 3 nights of no sleep??? I don't know about that...please pray for us, and we will keep you updated.

Josh is doing well in school. His knee has been holding up through his intense training so far! He had a 5 mile run today, we'll see how his knee feels tonight, but praise God he did well!

My day care is open, and ready to roll! Now I just gotta find some kids! Oh, and I named my day care Kinsel's Kiddos (thanks to my dear teacher friend, Karen, for the idea!). And thanks to those of you that voted on the poll. Please pray that I get some well-behaved kiddos (is there such a thing? Lol) to fill my home!

Josh and Ty battled a nasty cold last week (Ty's first time being sick), but they both seem to be doing a better this week. They both still have a nasty cough though. Please pray that they both get and stay healthy.

Here are a couple of pics of my beautiful 6 month-old boy and gorgeous hubby taken today:

His onesie says "2nd in command after daddy." Thanks, Mamaw Kinsel!

Here is a video of Ty eating his green beans (requested by Papaw Kinsel). He made all kinds of faces when I fed him green beans, and even gagged a couple of times, but he ate them every time! I guess he's just like his daddy...not a picky eater!

And here's a video of Ty sitting up by himself. He only lasts a minute before he falls over, but he's getting there!


Matt Sunderman said...

Awesome shirt!

Jayme said...

I hear ya on the time flying thing! It was great to see you and the little cutie pie the other day! I hope all goes well with the day care. I'm sure you will get nothing but well behaved angels. And if you don't you know how to handle it, you are a Bluejay.

Erika said...

Have you tried letting him sleep inside of his car seat inside of his crib? Crazy, but that's how Isa slept until she was 9-10 months old because she wouldn't sleep and she'd cry all night. Something about being all nestled up.

Newmans Wildcats said...

I was waiting for Ty to go all "Exorcist" w/ the green beans and then I couldn't focus cause Josh sounded like he was in the shower singing.

Lisa and Josh said...

You are too funny, Joey! I always laugh out loud when I read your comments! Josh was talking on the phone, but it does sound like shower singing, doesn't it?

Erika...Ty hates his car seat too, and rarely falls asleep in it. I know most kids love their car seats and always fall asleep in I ended up with a child that hates his is beyond me!