Thursday, January 7, 2010

We are ready...he still isn't!

Bib Dos is just not ready to make an appearance into the world just yet. I guess he just loves his little home inside my belly...even though there is definitely no room for him in there anymore! So, there is no news to report from my doctor's appointment yesterday. We will continue our waiting game, and keep hoping that we will get to meet our new baby boy soon! :-)

We did get an awesome package in the mail yesterday, though! Our new double stroller! Given to us at Christmas by Meemaw and Pawpaw! Thank you!!! Josh set it up for us last night and we are so excited to use it!

Bib Dos in back, and Ty-Ty in front

He loves the new stroller!

Ty got his first "real" big boy haircut (in a barber shop, with clippers and all) yesterday. He screamed the entire time, and it took two of us to hold him still while the lady clipped his hair, but he looks so such a little man!