Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cave, Crawling, and Teeth Too!

So sorry if I bore you all with Ty videos, but since he is growing so fast and the family doesn't get to see him often enough, I have to keep posting them! Ty is SOOO close to crawling! He does his own version of the "low-man crawl", and he's even starting to get up on his hands and knees and rock! I had to post some videos of his attempts. He will be mobile in no time...I just don't know if I'm ready to chase him around everywhere! We are excited for him to learn, but I know we'll be sorry once he starts! :-) I also wanted to show you all his teeth! He has two bottoms and the four front top teeth are also coming in. They are too cute, except when he grinds them together...yuck! It gives me the chills!

On Sunday, Josh had the day off so we went to the Mega Cavern in Louisville. It is an enormous cave (an old mining cave) underneath the Louisville Zoo. Since it is temperature controlled, and one of the safest places in Louisville, parts of the cave have actually been converted into a warehouse where people store things. You've heard of how Disney keeps it's movies in a "vault" and occasionally re-releases them to show, right? Well, this cave is where Disney's "vault" is! Cool, huh? It was pretty interesting, and we some good old family fun! Here are some pictures of the Mega Cavern:

Josh and Ty in the cave

One of the cave entrances

Lisa and Ty in front of the outside of the cave

Ty's first attempt at the low-man crawl:

He's getting better!

Can you see Ty's teeth?


Robin said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the video of him kicking away. Makes me think..."Ok, so maybe having a boy wont be so bad." Glad to see he is starting to get mobile. Watch out mommy!