Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Fun

We have already done some fun Fall activities, and can't wait to do more!  So far we have:

Tried on our Halloween costumes to show Daddy (Transformers, Bumblebee (Ty) and Optimus Prime (Caellum))
Went to a local pumpkin patch (Roberts Family Farm...local readers can go to this website, you will find it listed under Meade County...I highly recommend this one, thought it was great!). The boys had a blast feeding the goats!

We went trick-or-treating at the "World's Largest Halloween Party" hosted by the Louisville Zoo:

Meemaw, Pawpaw, Aunt Michelle and cousins Maddie and Monrowe went with us to the Zoo!

We got to meet Buzz, Woody, and Jessie!

We went on a road trip with mommy's friend, Kircia, and Ty's "girlfriend," Kaylee to Huber Farms:

They love their pumpkins!  Caellum calls his "baby pumpkin!"

We have had fun so far this October, but have missed Josh so much!  Halloween is one of his favorite holidays, and he loves Fall!  It just feels like something is missing without him here to be part of it all...especially since both boys are finally old enough to understand and get excited about everything.  On the bright side, we still have pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating to look forward to!  Yay!  Happy Fall, everyone!


Unknown said...

So cute! Your boys are getting so big! Does Josh come home soon??