Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Mega-Post!

We have had a lot going on this month, and I am once again way behind on posting, so this is our April Mega-Post to catch up with what's been going on.

We went home to Cincinnati on Easter weekend, and had a great time with our friends and families. Ty and Caellum had a couple of Easter Egg hunts, and met the Easter Bunny too! They had fun playing with their cousins, Maddie and Gabrielle. Of course we came home with a Tahoe full of new clothes, toys, and candy from the Easter Bunny (the grandparents went overboard as usual). We are so blessed! Here are some pictures from Easter:

Ty and Caellum with the scariest-looking Easter Bunny I've ever seen! :-) If you look closely (click on the pic to enlarge it) Caellum is actually smiling at was too cute!
Ty, Caellum, and Cousin Maddie
Look at our little chunky monkey!
Mommy and her two boys!
Daddy and the boys!
Gabrielle and Ty in her Barbie Jeep...those two had a blast just driving in was pretty funny to watch them!
Ty and his Easter Bunny ears!
We had two awesome visits with our good friends, the Hupp's and the Sunderman's! This is a pic of the Hupp and Kinsel kiddos. Unfortunately I didn't get a pic of the Sunderman's cuties...I don't know what I was thinking not getting a pic of them!
I did post that it was Josh's 30th b-day on April 8th, but I didn't post anything about the surprise party we held for him on April 10th! I took Josh and the boys to the Zoo, and while we were gone, Josh's family came down and set up for the party (thanks, Kinsel's!). A good bunch of our friends came to celebrate with us, and made his 30th a special day for him. I didn't take many pictures though :-( Here is a pic of his cake.
And here are some pics from the Zoo that same day:
Daddy and Ty taking a break from all that walking!
Ty in the petting zoo.
It was Caellum's first trip to the zoo, but he stayed in the stroller the whole time! He was happy though!
We also went to "Thunder Over Louisville" last weekend. That's Louisville's big fireworks show to kick off the Derby festivities. It was so incredibly crowded, and we obviously couldn't stay for the fireworks (the boys wouldn't have made it that long) but it was a beautiful day, and we went up just to see the air show they do before lighting off the fireworks. Here is a pic:
In family news, Caellum has started rolling over to his belly. Here's a pic of him mid-roll.

He rolls to his belly, gets stuck, then screams. He is quite the little mover despite his chunkiness! :-) He weighs 12 lbs 10 oz now. He is doing well, cooing up a storm, and is such a happy, little guy!
Ty just continues to amaze us each day. He is learning new words by the minute, and trying to repeat everything we say. We can't believe how fast he's growing! He loves his little brother, and does really well with him. He even tried to feed him a Dorito the other day when I had my back turned! :-)
Josh is gearing up to go to Ranger School...yikes! His report date is mid-May. We knew before Caellum was born that he'd be going in May, but May has gotten here way too quickly, and I'm not ready for my husband to leave for 2 months! Not only will he be gone for 2 months, but we will have little to no contact with him...we will only be able to correspond through letters! And Ranger school is one of the toughest schools in the military. Josh is going to be starved, sleep deprived, physically tested and challenged in a way that most people never will be. It is going to be very difficult for him to leave us, and we are going to desperately miss him! We are trying to enjoy these last few weeks with him by spending every minute together as a family.
So, we definitely had a lot to update you on. And we have a lot of things coming up in our future! Please keep us in your prayers...especially Josh, with Ranger School quickly approaching. Thanks!
Oh, and here is one last picture of our boys to end our April Mega-Post!

Ty and Caellum enjoying a warm day!


Unknown said...

Your hair is so dark and long! I like it :) And the boys are adorable...I only wish I could be there to meet Caellum in person!

Robin said...

Where is the time going??? These kids just keep growing up on us! So not cool!! I loved the catch up post. Glad to hear all is well. I think of you guys often. We wish Josh all the luck in the world with Ranger School!! We also send some your way because I know how hard it is to do the "Single" mom thing with 2 kids! Hopefully the 2 months will fly by!