Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas With The Mertz's And So Long 2009!

Christmas morning was so much fun! Just Josh, Ty, and myself at home in Fort Knox! Ty woke up on Christmas morning to find that Santa Claus brought him presents! He was very happy, and he loves his new "Encore Elmo" that Santa brought him!

Christmas morning

We got to celebrate Christmas with our Mertz side of the family the Saturday after Christmas. Meemaw, Pawpaw, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Jay, Cousin Maddie, Uncle Billy, and Aunt Kelly made the trip to Fort Knox. Again, there were way too many presents...especially for Ty! He is so spoiled! Unfortunately, I didn't take very many pics. :-( I guess I was just too preoccupied playing hostess, and Josh playing host. Here are some I did get:
Taking a picture of Maddie, who is taking one of me with her new camera!
Ty playing with his new Thomas
Maddie and Ty-Ty shooting hoops with Ty's new toy
Ty got some cute jammies from Meemaw and Pawpaw that have the button-down flap on the butt with his name embroidered on it. We think they're too cute! :-)
We wanted to say thanks to both sides of our families for coming to us this year for Christmas. It meant the world to us that you came down! We love you!
So, the week after Christmas has been a busy one for us. Josh is still off work this whole week (he took leave for 2 weeks...thank goodness!), and we have been trying to get some last minute projects done before Bib Dos gets here. One thing we accomplished was finally getting his room set up! Here it is:
Thanks to Mamaw and Papaw Kinsel for the new crib set! It is adorable, and we love it!
Josh and Ty have both been sick this week (Josh with a bacterial infection and Ty with an ear infection), so we have been trying to rest as much as we can to get healthy! The last thing we need is for our new, little guy to enter the world while Josh and Ty are sick! Definitely bad timing for sickness, but I guess it's good that it's happening now. Hopefully we'll kick these infections before Bib Dos makes his grand entrance!
I am now 38 weeks pregnant, and ready for this little man to get here! He, however, must have different plans. At my doctor's appointment this week, my doctor checked me and said I am no where near dilated yet. So Bib Dos will be hanging out in there for a bit longer. I guess he's comfortable! :-) So, I am anxiously and nervously awaiting to go into labor. If he waits too much past my due date (Jan. 12), then they will take him by C-section. It is all in the Good Lord's hands now, and we know this baby will arrive in His perfect timing for us!
So, Bib Dos will definitely be born in 2010! We look forward to what this new year brings...the excitement of adding another baby to our family, and watching Ty and his new brother continue to grow! We want to wish you all a Happy New Year as well! May the Good Lord bless you as you say goodbye to 2009 and ring in a brand, new year! Happy New Year!!