Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall Fun

We have had a fun Fall so far! A few weekends back, our friends, the Hupp's, came down for a visit! They are great friends, and we are so grateful they came down to spend time with us! Kathy and Greg have three gorgeous kiddos (Avery, Sydney, and Colton), and we always love hanging out with them! We took them to the Patton Museum here on post, and here are some pics of the kids:

This is the only pic I could get of Colton! He doesn't like getting his picture taken!

Here are the girls in front of a tank. Syd is on the left, Avery the right.

Ty has been experimenting with walking these past few weeks. He has been taking a small step here and a small step there. But last night he walked clear across the room! Josh and I are such proud parents! We have been trying to catch his walking attempts on video. Here's the best one we have so far:

Pretty soon daddy and a very pregnant (and extremely large) mommy will be chasing this little man around! :-)


Unknown said...

Yay!!! Can you believe how fast they grow up? Now we need a pic of you and your bambino in your belly :)