Sorry it's been so long since we have's been a crazy month! Josh hurt his knee while still in Afghanistan, and had knee surgery on Valentine's Day. He was able to get a month off work to recover, and we have been taking advantage of that time together. He was able to get referred out to his doctor friend from Cincinnati for the surgery, so we have been traveling quite a bit in the past month. Josh is doing really well, and is set to start back to work later this week.
Now on to some exciting news....first off, we found out that we will be moving to Fort Benning, GA at the beginning of May! I knew we would be moving not too long after Josh re-deployed, but I didn't realize how quickly it would all happen! We are excited about the move, but will miss Fort Knox tremendously. We have been here for a very long time (at least longer than normal for Army life), and both our boys were born here. Plus, we enjoyed the fact that we were only a 2 1/2-3 hour drive away from our families. Fort Knox was definitely the best place for us to be during this first deployment, and we really grew to love it here. We will be in Fort Benning for about 7 months while Josh attends Captain's Career Course (his next school).
Oh, and I can't forget to mention something else.......
The Lord blessed us with yet another sweet gift, and we are so excited! I am still very early along in my pregnancy...only about 8 weeks. Please pray for us, that this baby continues to grow strong and healthy, and that we have no complications. We haven't heard the heartbeat yet, we are hoping to at my doctor's appointment next week. We decided to go ahead and tell everyone in hopes of getting lots of prayers that all is ok and will continue to be ok, especially through this first trimester. I had fun breaking the news to Josh by making these shirts for the boys and myself:
I also used our Flip camera to capture his reaction as I broke the news to him:
My due date is October 18. I feel pretty good, just the normal fatigue from being in my first trimester. We just can't believe how blessed we are!