Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yummy, Yummy!

When I was little, my mom always did fun, crafty things with us...especially during the holidays!  Josh and I want our kids to have memories of us doing fun things with them too.  So, this year, we are starting our annual gingerbread-house-making tradition.  We had so much fun making these that the boys decided we would make more when daddy gets home!

Ty is ready to get started!

Caellum is too...although I think he is more ready to eat the candy than decorate the house! :-)

Proud of his gingerbread house

Is there more icing on the house, or on his mouth?

Their finished products!

Believe it or not, Caellum was more into this than Ty was.  Ty kept running off to watch TV, or use the potty.  But Caellum sat there the entire time putting candy on his house.  Of course he enjoyed eating a lot of it too!  Our little Chunk!  One thing is for sure...we all had a messy blast and can't wait to do it again when daddy comes home!  :-)


Unknown said...

They did a great job! Those faces are beautiful even when they have icing all over them. Love you!