Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Newport Aquarium

My fellow Army wife, and good friend, Shannon, gave us free tickets to the Newport Aquarium (thank you girl!) in Cincinnati.  So, while Josh was home, we made the drive up there to take the boys.  We had so much fun looking at all the "fishies."  While we were there, we got to eat lunch with one of Josh's best friends, and we spent some time with his family.  We took the boys to see Cars 2, and to Chuck E. Cheese.  We had so much fun!

Caellum would not hold still for a picture!
Ty is such an ornery, little thing!

Ty and Mommy posing with Nemo!

Caellum loved climbing on these froggies!

Daddy and his buckaroos

The Kinsel Family (Mamaw and Papaw, Brandi (Josh's sis), Chris (Brandi's hubby), their girls, Gabrielle, Ellie, Josh and the boys)

This is how Ty and Josh fell asleep every night while he was home.  Ty is definitely Daddy's boy...he wouldn't even let Mommy get him out of his car seat while Daddy was home...Daddy had to do it! :-)

It was very difficult saying goodbye to him again after those two awesome weeks!  On the bright side, he will be home for good soon...and it can't come soon enough!  We were blessed to have a wonderful two weeks with him, and we will never forget them!