Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mommy and Ty-Ty Day!

I don't think I have had one-on-one time with Ty since Caellum has been born. So, when my friend asked if we wanted to go to the circus with her and her oldest daughter, I was so excited! She told me her mom would watch Caellum if I wanted her to so I could have some Mommy/Ty time...awesome! I felt guilty leaving my baby boy behind, but Caellum is at the age where he just doesn't want to sit anymore...he wants to get down and get into everything! And I knew it would be good for Ty to have some quality mommy time. So, Ty and I went to the circus! We had so much fun! Thanks to my friend, Kat and Kat's mom, for making Mommy/Ty-Ty time possible! :-)

Here are some pics:

Mommy and Ty at the circus!

He is mesmerized!

The Elephants were Ty's favorite! Unfortunately this happened before he got to really see them do their portion of the show:

We bought Caellum a gift since he didn't get to go with us. Ty gave it to him when we got into the car.